1Q Health GmbH
Walderseestraße 23
30177 Hannover

Philipp Ziehr
Phone: +49 (0)9270 / 9916820

Schmuckicon Analytik

Quality Management

First in quality

Premium contract manu­fac­turing

Quality cannot be analysed. Quality is ensured from the first to the last step of a production process. Compli­ance with strict quality control measures is essential to ensure the safety, harmless­ness and efficacy of nutritional supple­ments and pharma­ceutical products. 1Q Health has made it its mission to stand for the highest quality in all its subsi­diaries and to continuously check and optimise that quality. Quality cannot be a product of chance, but the result of careful planning, correct imple­mentation and systematic moni­toring.

Nutritional supplements

Qualitäts­management für Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln

Pharmaceutical products

Tablets and capsules to the highest quality stan­dards

The quality control of pharma­ceutical products includes all measures that must be carried out to ensure the efficacy and safety of a particular medicinal product. 1Q Health has quality systems in place that cover all regulatory and legal require­ments and guide­lines, and are continuously reviewed and improved.

This includes:

  • Transfer and develop­ment of analytical methods
  • Testing of active ingredients and excipients
  • IPC
  • Testing of finished products and packaging materials
  • Stability studies
  • Microbiology

All tests are described in the authori­sation documents and must be complied with. Quality manage­ment systems set out in writing how to ensure that only active ingredients and medicinal products of the required quality reach the market.

Our certifications

Unsere Zertifi­zierungen für einen erfolgreichen Marktzugang

Source: https://1qhealth.com/Quality_Management

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